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Press Releases

via Ruff Communications
New York, New York

Social Media Posts

Ruff Communications Instagram Account

Built and designed graphics from digital magazine articles featuring our clients

University Projects

The HERstory Channel


The HERstory Channel started out merely as a school project for a class that I perceived as nothing more than a prerequisite.

Yet, this weblog transformed into a powerful storytelling platform where women of all different careers could share their successes, failures, inspirations and advice that paved the way to creating their story or as I have dubbed, HERstory.

This project prompted me to confront skills I was previously ill-equipped of such as interviewing, web-publishing and networking.

Promo Video


Mardi Gras Feature

Feature Article

While taking a media writing course, I was tasked with writing a 24-hour deadline feature piece for the 9th annual Mardi Gras Parade held in San Marcos, Texas.

Media Kit

Mock Public Relations Nonprofit Campaign

As part of my final project for my Advanced Public Relations Writing class, I produced a press kit for Prasada at the Park, a nonprofit I created over the course of the semester.

Mission Statement:

Prasada at the Park is a nonprofit organization dedicated to providing yoga classes in parks to those with limited access to this therapeutic practice. Our certified instructors are passionate about improving health and guiding others into state of mental clarity, also known as Prasada.

Prasada at the Park.png

POISE Magazine

24-Page Bridal Fashion Magazine
Created for my Media Design course


As part of my final project for my Visual Storytelling course, I produced a short film telling of the history of the Comanche Indians and how it has impacted the small town of Comanche, Texas today.

"Comanche, Texas was named after the fierce Native American tribe. This film produced by Emily Tindol takes a look at the history behind the tribe who journeyed through the Comanche Trail that eventually led to the Central Texas town's name, leaving a lasting mark on the town of 4,000 through pride and a powerful history."

Public Relations Case Study

Texas State Vaccination Campaign

In the spring semester of 2021, my team and I produced a campaign promoting COVID-19 vaccinations for my Public Relations Campaigns class. I played a major role in social media and writing Objective #3.

©2020 by Emily Tindol. Proudly created with

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